Saturday, May 31, 2014


       It has been a fascinating week and the messages to unplug certainly kept coming my way. It may be that I am just more aware of this topic but it seemed very present this week. After re-reading the Alchemist I have been trying to be aware of Omens, signs as to where to go on my journey and there were certainly a lot saying that I am currently exploring the right topic.
       Therefore, here are the results of my experiment unplugging. As a reminder I was to stay off Facebook and unplug from my computer and phone completely after 6pm. The first day was odd, at 6pm I put my technology in my office and stood there for a moment, thinking, "what now?" I then took to my bookshelf and scanned it for those books I have always wanted to read but ignored or those life changing books that deserve a re-read. This week I read two books both inspiring and soul searching and I realized there is quite a difference for me between reading a real book and reading off of a screen. I find reading books calming, centering and less draining. I soak up more of the information and feel less distracted. Making me curious of the effect a screen has on us, why would there be a difference? Something for future research.
   I also experienced the phantom phone, reaching for it at commercials in a show or after finishing a chapter of a book. One night after going out to eat at a restaurant, I realized I was reaching for my phone the second we stood up and started walking to the door. It therefore made me very aware of the times I am reaching for my phone and how often I do it. When you reach and it's not there you have no other choice but to reflect, sometimes looking inward and sometimes causing you to look outward and see what else is out there.  I liked being challenged to try something new. 
   The experiment was easier than expected especially when I woke up in the morning and realized that all the messages were my typical morning e-mails. Causing me to realize that rarely do very important messages come after 6pm. I did find Facebook harder, only because people use it as an e-mail and I was receiving e-mail notices that people were messaging me. But I did only go on to read and respond to the messages and then got right off. I found I did not miss Facebook at all, I began to realize besides occasionally connecting with long lost friends and occasionally learning about a show or event I might not have otherwise known about, I really have no need for it. Since those notices come to my e-mail, expect to rarely see me in the land of Facebook anymore.
    Over all, I found myself more grounded, happier, willing to take on new things and come up with new adventures. I was also more open to the omens I have been searching for and answers to questions I have been pondering. I was out in nature a lot more, taking walks/runs and funny enough I lost 2 pounds this week with out even trying. I met knew people, challenged myself to say hello to more people, started conversations and looked them in the eyes. I had to become more aware because I wasn't living in my tiny computer bubble. I was out in the world around real, living breathing people. I have to say I prefer it out there. Finally, I was glad to find that I was also just all around calmer and more present.
   What do I take away from all this? I am going to integrate the unplugging after 6pm into my life from now on because I am seeing and liking the benefits.  I also noticed it caused me to unplug more during the day as well. While I do see the benefits of technology, for example having the ability to share this experience with you all. I have to say, experiencing more balance this week felt life changing. There is room for both, it's just about balance!
   Finally, I noticed myself reflecting back to a time when we didn't have as much technology and trying to remember what life was like then. Are there rituals from that time period I want to re-integrate into my life? This just might be my next blog post.... Stay tuned...Signing off and heading outside! Namaste!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Our Phones, Our Machines...

       This week I have spent a whole lot of time on my computer finishing my website. Which I am happy to say is published and out in the world.
       The funny thing is, although I accomplished something I am proud of, being in front of the screen that many hours really did take a toll on me. I felt drained, my mood was down (for no understandable reason), my eyes had trouble focusing, I felt anxious...etc. I therefore took to looking up studies to see if there is proof that too much "Screen time" is harmful. And while nothing is really conclusive out there, that I could find, it is interesting to note there are studies looking into if too much "screen time" is causing depression and anxiety in kids. Again it is hard to say if it's the machines themselves that is causing the issue or a lack of an active and social lifestyle. But in my experience this week, the two go hand in hand. If I am on my computer, watching TV or checking my phone I am probably not very active.
       So I have been exploring what's to be done. I am also one to follow the signs and I found it interesting that this topic kept coming up this week. I am listening to the Audio book version of Arianna Huffington's book Thrive. She certainly addresses this topic and believes too much time on machines is harmful to us. We need time to turn off, unwind and just be. When we are on our machines we are doing none of those things. Constant access to e-mail, needing to tweet our lives and needing instant responses to correspondence is draining and anxiety building. I know this and fall prey to it. I find Facebook just makes me feel bad for no reason I can truly pin point, so why do I feel I need to use it? I am fascinated by our relationships to these things and again I am wanting to explore a good balance.

         The time I did spend away from machines and out in the world this week was rewarding, seeing theatre, movies and spending time out in nature with the kids I babysit for. On one evening out, I met some lovely new people and had a good talk with a friend. She said something that tied very much into this blog entry, another sign I received this week. She mentioned that our phones have become a crutch in social situations, when she feels awkward she hides behind her phone and it is making her feel more awkward. She said, "I am not looking people in the eyes." I agree with her and it made me conscious of putting the phone away while out with friends, even when things feel awkward. It also made me think of my first post in this blog many years ago and why I called it Gypsy Eyes.

          Arianna Huffington mentions, "what if we had to check our phones at the door, like we check our coats." I have to admit I love this idea. I am old enough to remember when we weren't wired in all the time and I did look people in the eyes more. Therefore, Starting today I am setting a goal that after 6pm I will unplug from my phone and computer. Also this week, I will take another Facebook cleanse. I will allow my evenings to be time with my boyfriend or family I will be visiting, real face time. I say to JR all the time jokingly, "There is so much technology between us," as I have to move phones, remotes and computers to cuddle up to him. I am going to take it seriously and remove them this week. I will relay my findings next week.

       So here's to a week of evenings unplugged, another Facebook cleanse and looking people in the eyes. Namaste!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

New Home, Starting Again...

It's been over three years since I wrote in this blog. However, recently as I was building my website a lot of the questions and discoveries that caused me to start this in the first place came up again. Finding the balance of taking on the world of technology and still remaining in the real world connecting, human to human, has come up a lot for me lately. I think this will be a challenge of our times. Which may be harder for some of us more than others. Certainly me! Once again in my mission to meld the two worlds, I have decided to make this blog a chronicle of my real life human to human interactions, my journey in my new home here in Philadelphia and the art that moves me.

In the time I have been away from this blog I have been trying to find a home. Connecting back to my post about, Cities and do they have personalities, I have found they do. I have lived in NYC, Upstate NY, Chicago and now Philadelphia in the last three years. I am thankful for this time to wander and explore and am so glad I have finally found a place I connect to. Reminding me of the wonderful Tolkien quote that "not all who wander are lost."

This post is a "hello again" post. I am holding myself to writing a weekly blog of my adventures. Challenging myself to have adventures, to get out in the world, connect with others and make new discoveries. So I am off to find this balance, I look forward to sharing what arises and as always I would love to hear from you! Let's Connect!