Wednesday, May 14, 2014

New Home, Starting Again...

It's been over three years since I wrote in this blog. However, recently as I was building my website a lot of the questions and discoveries that caused me to start this in the first place came up again. Finding the balance of taking on the world of technology and still remaining in the real world connecting, human to human, has come up a lot for me lately. I think this will be a challenge of our times. Which may be harder for some of us more than others. Certainly me! Once again in my mission to meld the two worlds, I have decided to make this blog a chronicle of my real life human to human interactions, my journey in my new home here in Philadelphia and the art that moves me.

In the time I have been away from this blog I have been trying to find a home. Connecting back to my post about, Cities and do they have personalities, I have found they do. I have lived in NYC, Upstate NY, Chicago and now Philadelphia in the last three years. I am thankful for this time to wander and explore and am so glad I have finally found a place I connect to. Reminding me of the wonderful Tolkien quote that "not all who wander are lost."

This post is a "hello again" post. I am holding myself to writing a weekly blog of my adventures. Challenging myself to have adventures, to get out in the world, connect with others and make new discoveries. So I am off to find this balance, I look forward to sharing what arises and as always I would love to hear from you! Let's Connect!


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