Monday, July 21, 2014

Something Old is New...

Dear Friends, 
      I haven't written in a few weeks because I have been thinking a lot about the direction of this blog and what it's purpose might be. Obviously, the link between human connection and technology is big for me, this idea of unplugging is on my mind a lot. But I realized the bigger picture is the old soul in me, the connection to history vs. the world we are living in now. As I mentioned at the end of my last post, what might be learned and carried on from the past and what might be gained by the advancements now and in the future? How can these worlds come together?
      In theatre, I am able to bring back to life customs, clothing, ways of moving, periods of history and I adore it! We can revisit and breath life into worlds long forgotten. One of my greatest love's is going to a classical piece and coming out with a lesson we still could learn today. While yes it can be disheartening, will we ever learn? It's also fascinating to think humanity has been struggling with these very human issues and questions for centuries.
      So where am I going with this, you ask? I would like to study and revisit customs of human interaction and explore there uses in today's society. Could we benefit from remembering them or might we laugh, "oh my, we did that?" But I truly believe there is much to be learned from our past and customs that maybe should not be lost. Could something old be new again? Could it be adjusted to fit our society today? I ask again, how might we connect?
      This week I am going to visit good old fashioned letter writing. I am curious what the response of friends and family might be if they randomly got a letter in their mailbox, that isn't a bill, invite, magazine or junk? I am guessing a big smile but we shall see. While e-mail is helpful, isn't a good old fashioned letter meaningful and personal in a way an e-mail never can be? That is my hypothesis, so I will research, poll and study and get back to you.
       Therefore, I am off to find my address book and connect in this old way, that just might feel new to those on the receiving end.

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