Sunday, May 2, 2010

Lets try this again....

So I attempted this blog about a year ago and quite honestly forgot about it. So here's try number 2!
As a person who struggles with the electronic age I thought I would try to embrace the reality of it in my own way. I have been called a Gypsy most of my life. The only year I won the Halloween Costume parade as a kid was when I was a Gypsy. :) Being part Hungarian and an actor I embrace the Gypsy in me. I also Love eyes, they are fascinating and as cheesy as it sounds truly are the windows to the soul. Thus the name Gypsy Eyes!

Funny enough the name came to me written on the wall of a restroom in a coffee shop downtown near NYU, so thanks random stranger who decided to share the phrase in magic marker one day after having too many coffees.

Which leads me to my next thought, human connections. These random or not so random encounters with our fellow humans. That person who wrote Gypsy Eyes on the bathroom wall had no idea that it would hit me and soon be the name of my blog. Some of our connections are unknown, or passing with strangers and some are much larger connections with friends, family, nature...etc. All, to me, worthy of exploration.

I am living in a city highly populated and most of the time feel absolutely alone. That seems wrong to me. So many opportunities to connect, meet people, learn and it's amazing how little we actually do. I could go on and on but please if you have thoughts connect!

If you come upon this blog and have insights, discoveries...etc. please do share. I would love for a community of seekers to bloom out of this blog. That is one of the amazing things about the electronic age we can connect with people we never would have dreamed of knowing. I know I must embrace that. However, lets still continue to meet on mountain tops, by rivers, oceans and lakes, in cafes, parks, theatres, stadiums...etc. and not just on the computer screen. This Gypsy would love to see more Eyes as I open mine wider!

Namaste- "the light in me recognizes and honors the light in you!!"


  1. hill loved the blog--the appeal for a more humane--WORLD--WITH LESS BICKERING--hear us congress..I continue to build GABY a home in El Savador so she can take her family from the shack
    that now serves as home--our present total is a 1000 dollars of 4000 needed--any thought of groups that may wish to help this marvelous caring pioneer from our neighbors love dad
