Sunday, May 2, 2010


I didn't expect to write so quickly but after writing my first post I walked outside into a protest against Nuclear Weapons. I was handed a little bag that included two paper Origami Doves and a flyer with a dove on it that had peace written in many different languages in it's feathers. Underneath the dove it read "Keep fighting for liberty, justice & peace with love & respect!" Mrs Shirai Yoko from Aichi-ken, Japan and Mr. Shirai Haluyoshi. The other side had a portion of the constitution of Japan renouncing war. I was thankful to have connected with this couple and share their beliefs.

I watched this protest for much of my lunch break. Of course I am against Nuclear war, talk about destroying human connection!! A friend of mine made a good point, in the past in war people had to look the victims in the eye, (still wrong) but talk about hard and now someone in another country pushes a button and far above something is dropped and lives are destroyed. We just blow each other up from a far. We don't have to see or connect with our victims in war as much, it is detached. Making it some how easier however I can't see how it could ever be easy. It is so very daunting to me. I feel my views on this are shared with many others but what stuck me as strange was the lack of human connection among the Anti war/Nuclear Weapon protesters.

People were packed together from 42nd street down to 38th Street with intelligent, fascinating, inspiring, touching speakers approaching the podium one after the other, trying to connect with the crowd. The speakers would conclude on high notes, trying to raise the passion and energy of the group and light claps were heard. A women who survived the A-Bomb spoke and a patter of hands acknowledged her when she finished. They stood side by side with their signs staring off into space, not acknowledging each other! How could they not even connect with the speaker at a protest they were attending!? Did they care? Why were they there? I don't believe just being there is enough, be seen and heard, they should be there to connect with the passers by, grab one person who might not quite understand the gravity of the situation. Instead they stood there, staring off into space, passionless, disconnected. No one was truly "fighting for liberty, justice and peace with love and respect" as my little note said. It was strange to see.

On the other hand yesterday I passed a march against the immigration laws and these people were united, they were seen and heard! People from all over the world celebrating their communities and demanding to be recognized as fellow Citizens of this country. It was not angry, they weren't closed off, they were connecting with each other and those of us that watched and to me that made all the difference.

So to conclude, one sign that struck me said "War for peace is like F*!king for Virginity!" Agreed and in response I say "Make Love not War" and as we share this message be sure you are seen and heard. Sadly not so easily done and should be. However, that's for another post! :) PEACE and LOVE!! We can find it!!!

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